The low-FODMAP diet provides relief to long-time sufferers of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)*. It consists of a phase of temporary elimination of FODMAP carbohydrates, followed by a phase of reintroduction and a phase of long-term maintenance.
Since FODMAPs are found in many fruits, vegetables, nuts, dairy and grain products, the person starting this diet may feel a bit lost at the start, especially when it comes to understand which vegetables are low-FODMAP, hence allowed, and which ones are not allowed.
To help you not get discouraged, here is the list of our favorite low-FODMAP veggies.
Low in calories and high in fiber, green beans are easy to prepare. They can be blanched in salted water then simply seasoned or quickly sautéed in a pan. In this recipe they are mixed with other low-FODMAP vegetables, such as carrots and potatoes.
Zucchini are very versatile. Cut into a spiral, they make wonderful low-carb spaghetti, that can be seasoned with your favorite pasta sauce.
Eggplants are chameleon vegetables that take on the taste of preparation. They should be paired with low FODMAP seasonings.
Tomatoes are low in FODMAP to a serving of 65 g, i.e. about half a tomato.
Well, plantains are technically fruits, but much like the tomato and unlike the banana, they are eaten and cooked as if they were a vegetable.
*FODMAPs are fermentable carbohydrates that are partly responsible for causing symptoms in people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). For more info, read this article.
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