TOP 10: High-Fiber Recipes, Easy and Yummy

September 16, 2024 , , , ,

weight loss meal plans

7. Chickpea Curry

high-fiber recipes - Chickpea Curry

Legumes are excellent sources of fiber. This recipe contains 8 g of fiber, especially thanks to the chickpeas. With a side of whole grain, such as quinoa or brown rice, you can easily expect 12-13 g of fiber.

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6. Barley Pilaf

high-fiber recipes - Barley Pilaf

With 5 g of fiber, this is an easy side dish that goes well with many main dishes.

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5. Quick White-Bean Stew

high-fiber recipes - Quick White-Bean Stew

A satisfying stew which is ready in just a few minutes. It’s also a practical way to turn leftover ham into a colourful and delicious meal, with 13 g of fiber as a bonus.

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4. Avocado Bruschetta

Not only is avocado a source of good fats, but it is also a high-fiber food, with around 4.5 g per half avocado.

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Cinzia Cuneo
Cinzia Cuneo, founder of, never wanted to neglect the quality of her food. She shares her special expertise to make good food quickly and without complications!

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