Tag: Nuts

noix nuts

TOP 10: Recipes to Help You Eat More Nuts

June 9, 2020 No Comments

Nuts have several health benefits because they contain essential fats. To help you eat nuts more frequently we have prepared our TOP 10 list, which includes recipes featuring almonds, walnuts, and cashews, but also peanuts, which are not nuts but legumes, and recipes with seeds for people that are allergic to nuts. Here are 10 […]

noix nuts

Include Nuts in Your Diet to Help You Stay Healthy

June 8, 2020 No Comments

Several studies have suggested that eating nuts improves cardiovascular health and therefore reduces the risk of mortality from cardiovascular diseases. A new international study, including 123 329 participants aged 35 to 70 from 16 countries, was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and confirms this correlation.


Muesli and Granola: Do You Know the Difference?

July 23, 2017 No Comments

Browsing the breakfast cereal aisle, it can be difficult to work out what’s best among all the attractive packaging and labels like “all natural,” “organic,” “superfoods” etc. We have already shared our criteria for making an informed choice. But following a question by one of our readers, today I’m going to explain the difference between […]

Common Allergies: Nuts, Fish and Seafood, Sesame

June 5, 2017 No Comments

In the last two articles, we covered Peanuts, Wheat, Milk, Mustard, Eggs, and Soy. This week, we’ll look at nuts, fish and seafood, and sesame.

Common Food Allergies: Peanuts, Wheat, and Milk

May 16, 2017 No Comments

Food and health organisations have made life easier for people who live with food allergies. Here in Canada, the most common food allergies must be labelled on products in a way that’s fast and easy for consumers to understand. However, in a world where every bit of a product is used, labels aren’t always enough. In […]

invité allergique

An allergic guest? Don’t panic!

December 19, 2015 No Comments

The prospects of entertaining friends and family increase during the holiday season. But when food allergies pop up, it’s not always easy to know how to react. How can you customise meals to satisfy the special requirements of allergic people? Here are some tips to help you entertain your allergic guests in a hassle-free manner.

Sunflower for oil, seeds and lots more

November 8, 2014 No Comments

The origin of the sunflower is debatable, but it definitely had its roots in the American continent, where indigenous tribes used it not only for its food and medicinal properties, but also to extract dyes from it and for use as building material.


Brazil nuts, a source of selenium

October 25, 2014 No Comments

The Brazil nut, also known as Amazonian nut or Brazilian chestnut, is the seed contained in the fruit shell of the Amazonian nut tree, which grows in the subtropical regions of America. It is the single most important crop in the Amazon region. It can be eaten as is or in desserts, and it tastes […]


Pecan, the Native American nut

October 18, 2014 No Comments

The fruit of the pecan tree, called “pecan” or “pecan nut” gets its name from an Algonquian word “pakan” meaning “hard shelled nut”. In fact, for at least 8,000 years now, this tree originating in the alluvial soil of the Mississippi has had a special place in the lives of Native Americans who lived between […]

noisette hazelnut

Hazelnuts for “homemade Nutella”

October 11, 2014 No Comments

Hazelnuts are full of good fats – mainly the monounsaturated type – that are known for their cardiovascular health benefits. These nuts are also highly antioxidative. Excellent reasons for including them in your menu. We probably already consume them without realizing it, since hazelnuts are the essential ingredient in Ferrero’s Nutella, which is also the […]

Walnuts, a healthy ally

October 4, 2014 No Comments

The walnut has a particularly high polyunsaturated fatty acid content that includes a sizeable amount in the form of alpha-linolenic acid, an essential omega-3 fatty acid. It is also very rich in antioxidants and phytosterols. All major factors for cardiovascular health.

pine nut pignon de pin

Pine nut, not a “nut” but a “seed”

September 27, 2014 No Comments

The pine nut is really a seed in a hard shell, lodged between the scales of certain pines such as the “umbrella pine”. Since it is small in size and also difficult to extract, it is quite costly. Romans and Greeks believed pine nuts to be an aphrodisiac and recommended eating them with honey and […]

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