Photo: “Turmeric Spice Curry”, stevepb, ©
Turmeric is an orange-yellow spice originating from South Asia and is particularly popular in Indian cuisine hence its nickname “Indian Saffron”. Its active ingredient, a polyphenol called curcumin, gives it antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, it can be increasingly found in the form of supplements and in various products. So, should we go so far as to take a turmeric supplement? It’s a good time to explore this question!
Photo: “Beyond burger”, DefimZ, ©, CC BY-SA 4.0
I am sure you have heard about the “fake meat” burgers marketed by Beyond Meat and Lightlife (Canada) that are increasingly trendy among the veggie crowd, but also omnivores who look for an alternative to regular meat burgers. While being strictly plant-based, they taste, look, and cook like meat. But are they really good for your health?
MCT oil, which can be found in supplements, coconut oil and butter, among others, has been popular for many years for its alleged effects on weight loss. Recently, it is regaining popularity, especially among supporters of the ketogenic diet. One trend is Bullet Proof coffee, which consists of adding butter and MCT oil to your morning coffee to lose weight, increase energy levels and improve brain function. But is it really effective? Let’s look into it!
From February 1st to 7th, it’s Eating Disorders Awareness Week in Canada. Despite the fact that eating disorders are often a taboo subject, they affect nearly 1 million Canadians. NEDIC, the National Eating Disorder Information Center, organizes this week each year in order to raise awareness to the issues people with an eating disorder face. This is done in the hopes that people who are affected can find the help they need.
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