Category: Our Tips

Small Pantry, petit garde manger

Organising your Pantry

August 31, 2015 No Comments

How many times has your pantry made you gnash your teeth in frustration because you can’t find the spices you’re looking for, or because cereal boxes fall on your head each time you reach out for a biscuit tin? It’s time to organise your cupboards, not only to save time when preparing meals but also […]

cookbook, livre de recettes

Must-Have Cookbooks

August 28, 2015 1 Comment

In a time of cooking shows, food porn, and foodies’ blogs, most family kitchens house an incredible collection of cookbooks of all sorts. But what are the “must own” books that any house cook should refer to as useful mean to expand their repertoires? Here’s our list:

cure de jus, juice cure

Juices: Miracle Cure?

August 21, 2015 No Comments

Juice cures have become increasingly popular in recent years. Their “detoxifying” power, which contributes to weight loss is touted as a sales pitch, to promote them. Juice cures promise to make us feel better about our bodies, but what’s the truth behind this new fad?

Complementary and Alternative Treatments for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) – Separating Fact From Fiction

August 17, 2015 1 Comment

Do you feel like you’ve tried all the treatments for irritable bowel syndrome and you’re now tempted to try your hand at alternative methods? In this article, I’ll untangle the rumours from the facts to help you make the best decision possible. Hope this enlightens you, so let’s get started right away!

elderly active couple, couple agés et actifs

Ten Tips for Healthy Aging

July 19, 2015 No Comments

In order to age successfully, our goal is to make our health last as long as possible.  In my previous blog, I addressed the top five nutritional changes that occur as we age.  Today, I will highlight my top 10 nutrition tips for healthy aging. My intention is to urge even one reader to take […]

What’s the Difference Between Ice Cream and Gelato?

July 17, 2015 No Comments

Being a born and bred Italian, I had the chance to experience hundreds of distinct ice cream flavours in several excellent “gelaterie” (ice cream parlours), developing a special taste for real good “gelato”. By the way, gelato is just the Italian word for ice cream, so how come it is so different from North American-style […]

Eating and Drinking When It’s Hot: 10 Good Choices

July 17, 2015 No Comments

During heat waves, when the outside thermometer reads over 30°C and the humidity index rises, we don’t have much of an appetite in general. But we still have to eat and drink well, avoiding foods that are difficult to digest and favouring those rich in water. So here are 10 good choices.

Father and daughter picking apple in autumn or fall, père et sa fille à la ceuillette

Five U-pick tips

July 6, 2015 No Comments

In summer, picking your own fruits or vegetables is one of the most pleasant family activities, as it allows you to spend quality time with your family, bring home fresh produce at great prices, and also teach the little ones, especially those living in cities, about the value of food that we are lucky enough […]

Ten Tips for Perfect Grilling

June 29, 2015 2 Comments

Cooking on the barbecue is simple and easy for anyone to do, but it’s always more interesting if you know a few tricks… So here are ten tips for perfect grilling: To your grills: let the party begin!

Making the Best Low FODMAP Choices at Restaurants

June 15, 2015 2 Comments

Ever wondered what to choose at the restaurant when you’re on a low FODMAP* diet? I have the answer for you right here. To simplify your life, here’s a winning formula: choose a restaurant that offers options without gluten, onion or garlic.

5 Ways to Make Your Picnic Greener

June 7, 2015 No Comments

Sun, nice weather, heat: picnic season is back! Any occasion is a good excuse to share a meal in the open air with family or good friends. This year, why not aim to keep your favourite picnic areas intact? Here are some tips to make the most of Mother Nature’s beauty respectfully:


How to reduce the flatulence caused by pulses

May 25, 2015 1 Comment

It’s a fact, pulses (legumes) tend to induce flatulence, but you should certainly not avoid them, as they are very nutritious. They are significantly rich in vitamins and minerals, protein, soluble fiber, which is beneficial for cardiovascular health, and have a low Glycemic Index, ideal for keeping you fuller for longer. In brief, they are […]

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