Category: Our Tips
Bread – Friend or Foe?
Canada’s Food Guide states that adults should eat 6 to 8 servings of grain products every day. For those needing to lose a lot of weight and following a low-calorie meal plan, the minimum is 4 servings. Bread is an excellent candidate (1 slice = 1 serving), provided you select breads that are low in […]
How to choose a breakfast cereal
Muesli, bran cereals, shredded wheat, crispy oat flakes… there are so many breakfast cereals out there to choose from! What should we look for? Here are some label-reading tips to help you make the right choice.
How to burn 100 calories
Last week we talked about how to “trim” 100 calories or more from our daily diet. In this week’s post, I’d like to propose a few simple ways to burn 100 calories by introducing a bit of exercise into your daily routine. Choose the activity that suits you best or come up with something similar!
Simple ways to stick to your resolutions
Many of us begin the year with good resolutions, the most common one being linked to shedding those extra kilos we put on during the holiday season … or the whole year In most cases, excess weight does not exceed 10 kg. You can lose these 10 kg by burning 80,000 calories. This seems […]
Olive and Canola oil: For almost all occasions
Fat has a bad reputation, but this is undeserved. Fat is required by the body and brain to function properly. It also adds flavour to food. It’s the type and quantity of fat that matters. You will notice in our recipes that, most of the time, we recommend olive and canola oil. Both are good […]
Preventing irritation of mucous membranes
When you suffer from gastric reflux, it is important to pay special attention to certain foods that may irritate the lining of the esophagus and exacerbate symptoms.
Coffee intake
Coffee tastes good and may get you going in the morning, but coffee drinkers should use some moderation: 300 mg of caffeine per day for women of child-bearing age and 400 mg for the rest of the adult population (Health Canada’s recommendations). This corresponds to about 2 to 3 cups of regular coffee or 2 […]
Good and bad choices on the holiday table
All holiday food are not created equal. Here are a few good replacements you should look for on the holiday table: Prefer simply prepared meats: This year stay away from stuffed turkey and rich sauces. Go for poultry which is a lean option, provided you do not undo your healthy choice with a rich gravy […]
Beware of Scented Candles
Cinnamon apple or pumpkin spice scented candles may evoke the holiday season for some, but for others, these airborne fragrances trigger allergy symptoms — from runny, itchy noses and sneezing, to asthma attacks.
A gluten-free festive menu
This week I’m recommending a 5-course gluten-free festive menu for a the holidays. This means that foods containing rye, oats, wheat, barley, triticale and its derivatives have to be avoided.
Tips for eating healthy during the holidays
It’s hard to stick eating healthy during the holidays — fattening and rich holiday food is part of almost every celebration. Even so, you can still avoid holiday weight gain by making some smart choices, without depriving yourself:
A lactose-free festive menu
The number of people with dietary restrictions in our circle of family and friends is increasing by the day. That’s why for the next three Saturdays before Christmas (including today), I’d like to recommend some specially designed gourmet menus for all the guests to enjoy at the party… without the hosts having to break into […]